TV's got your attention
Once your attention is glued to the screen with respect to the orientation response, very strange, but subtle, things begin to happen to your brain when you watch TV.Učinci can feel something pleasant and relaxing, at least until the TV is turned on.
Zombie Eye
Look closely at the eyes of anyone who watches TV. Most of the time were like zombies, spread-out, a blank look on them. Unfortunately, there were very few studies done to examine the fenomen.Nekoliko published studies represent a rather frightening picture of what the human brain looks like when hooked up to TV.
Watching TV May feel the relaxation. TV has a remarkable ability to turn off the rest of our crazy world. All the world's problems will disappear as the TV program carried out in a pleasant Never Land. Or so it seems
The brain goes into a hypnotic state
In fact, the brain goes into a state of alpha brain waves. This situation feels relaxing. Viewers become less cautious and passive. The state is comparable to hypnosis.
Surprisingly, reduced alertness and a sense of passivity does not end after you turn off the TV viewers prijemnik.Krivac for this effect is likely to cathode ray tube TV screens, which can produce oscillations of the conscious mind does not recognize.