If you're one of those people who get more material via e-mail or mail in one day than you can read the full year, it's time to prioritize spending. It's good to know all the news first, but think about how much time to read all those magazines, promotional brochures and newsletters you receive.
and you should also think about the environmental impact of all those papers and magazines - why not - e-mails? Resources used for you to receive them, use the funds to keep them, then the funds will be used to transport their garbage dump.
can not carry all the information that is theoretically available danas.Jedina thing you can do is decide what is really important to you and try to limit the amount of materials you receive. You know you are overloaded with information, if you have a big stack of newspapers and magazines to read, but never really have a chance.
You'll be frustrated if you buy a book only to discover that you had the same title on the shelf for years, and if you pay cash for your subscription news magazine, but never have time to read it.
So how you can reduce the paper overload? As a first step you can think about unsubscribing does not read regularly. Do not restore those immediately see which magazines do not really missing, and then require regular renewal just for them. Internet-based subscription can also be a good choice:. Here you will be able to search only the topics and articles that you want to
then you can try to get off the e-mail list. Very often, spam makes up 60-80 percent of the content in your inbox any day. Subscribing to a mailing list means that the e-mail address will be purchased, sold or exchanged for a number of other lists.
Take a break from the following news: If you have a particular interest in a topic, you can always buy a book or search the Internet for materials. If you try it, May you find that your short break turned into a permanent home. You can also create a file of tears for all the articles you want to read: simply tear the pages you are interested in, and put those pages in the file. If you carry the file with you everywhere, you will be able to read when they are on hold.
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